They've hatched! And still hatching! Seven are out of the shell and running around like mad-chicks, peeping here and there. One is close to emerging with a ring pecked circumferentially, and the final three have tiny pips in their shells. That's all eleven. I know, don't count my chickens before they hatch. They're still wet and weak, making lots of noise with short bursts of energy and then sinking slowly down to sleep for 15 or 20 seconds. The first two were very exciting and led the pack by a few hours, then the next two seemed to take their time and struggle a bit. The last few seemed to hatch very quickly. We put a camera in the corner of the incubator and its product is a cute video showing the birth of the second chick. Lots more where that came from! If you have trouble with it, let us know. Enjoy the show:
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