The first harvest of carrots is in jars, nestled on dark shelves in the garage: 15 pints. The pretty purple ones are called Purple haze, the last of the 'purple' seeds from Katie (other favorites were purple basil and Purple Cherokee Tomatoes). We'll harvest the rest of the carrots as we need them, leaving some in the ground and some in cold storage for as long as possible. The canned veggies will hopefully be saved for late spring in the gap before the new gardening season begins.

A few odd squashes have appeared on our most prolific squash vines: Spagetti squash. They may be cross-breds. The acorn squash was very susceptible to the beetles and their diseases, but it looks like we may get 7 or 8 of those. There are more than a dozen spagettis, most of which are ready, and a few dozen Waltham butternut. All the cucurbits were pretty heavily hit by the cucumber beetles which carried downy mildew and a variety of other fungal diseases. The cukes and melons were especially bad so I just pulled them out as they stopped producing. Not a good year for cukes. I did put in some late plantings though, including a few melons which are getting big now, larger than grapefruits.
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