There are some red sails lettuces, as well as Belgian endive, romaine, escarole, and onions planted interplanted in in this part of the bed. A bit further along we've started arugula, spinach, peas, celery and more onions. Lots of onions this year.

These are broccoli raab. Hopefully we'll have a cooler spring to lengthen the greens season, otherwise these may bolt and get too bitter. There are choy planted near them, and turnip seeds are hopefully germinating.

Most exciting, we trimmed down each of the four 'whips', the maiden apple trees. They're in alphabetical order left to right, the easier to remember: Baldwin, Liberty, Opalescent, Spitzenberg. We cut them to 18 inches (pre-ordained by the two perfect scaffolds on one). This will be the height of the first wire and the first two horizontal branches which will hopefully sprout and grow this season so that we can train them to the wires. The espalier support itself has yet to be built - a big building project.
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