The Before Photo - our plot is the land just above the wooden post and below the line of small rocks. The domed red roof in the background is also visible from our deck. We've cut a path through the woods behind the houses to the community garden, and we've been there to check out the action in everyone's plots at least once a day this week.

We marked out wide beds that are each 42" by 25' to maximize growing space and minimize paths. This way all the work we do each year on the soil will have maximum benefit with as little compaction as possible. The paths are pretty narrow but we're keeping an eye on craigslist for some pretty pavers or red bricks to finish them.

The soil was too wet to turn (much) but we scooped the black gold from the paths into the beds to reduce compaction. The bed just beyond in the corner is our additional little plot. Almost adjoining real estate.

The sun lit everything and the grass is starting to turn green. This is the additional bed. Great soil and its almost 40 feet long by 4 feet wide. There are some raspberries in it now but we'll either consolidate or move them.
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